After a long labor day, my grandmother and aunts proceeded to wash themselves. They always ended up with sore hands. It was my task to help them to get dressed.

This big clothing pin that we designed and made, is my trophy for them.

I want them to know that it was my honor to help them to close their ponchos with the pin.

- Yadira Mishell Ccanto Luyo (14) -

Being a humble village teenager, it is not an easy job living inside an elitist Peruvian society. Wearing braids in my hair is something positive for me because it represents the hard-working woman of the farm. For this reason, I like to decorate my braids to make them even more striking.

- Jackeline Verastegui Cipriano (16) -


I created these two pieces to represent the strength of the highland women. A braid is more than just a braid. We should not hide them; we should encourage them. They are a symbol of hard work, sweat and a beautiful brown skin, heated by the sun.

- Mariel M. Matute -

My mother raised eight kids. I was amongst one of the youngest. The figures engraved in the pieces represent part of my memories with my mother.

At the “Avelino” folklore festivity, she always pushed me to costume dress as the Avelino character, as can be seen in the upper piece.

During our walks through the highlands. We could sense the sweet perfume emanated by the Retama flower, represented by the lower piece.

- Roberto Rodriguez Pomalaza (59) - 


In conversation with Mariel, we discovered how much we value our shared inheritance.Especially the memories of the highland women in our lives.

This is a piece we designed as a memory of my mother. It was created as a gift I would give to her if she was still alive.

“Mamá, nunca te lo mencioné pero siempre me gustó jugar con tus trenzas”

-  Alejandro Rodriguez Pomalaza (66) -